If you’ve ever paid attention to the messaging on dental products, you’ve likely seen fluoride advertised as an ingredient at some point or another. It’s used in the majority of dental products, because of the great benefits it has on your oral health. But do you know what fluoride is? And what it can do for your oral health? Not... read more »
What are veneers? Veneers are thin, custom-made, tooth-colored shells that are attached to the front of the teeth to improve and enhance their appearance. In most cases, veneers are irreversible because the front of the teeth are shaped to allow room for the veneers. When are veneers used? Veneers are used to cover cosmetic imperfections in the teeth. For instance,... read more »
Are you suffering from any forms of dental anxiety? Dental anxiety is often related to fears of the unknown that you may encounter in relation to visiting your dentist at the dental office. If you have stresses or concerns about upcoming therapies or treatments you may need, you could be suffering from dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is a condition that... read more »
Would you say you're eating a healthy diet? Actually, a better question to ask is what do you think constitutes a healthy diet? Although many individuals immediately jump to the effects that a diet can have on their weight, very few take into consideration the effects that foods and drinks have on their smile. In order to ensure that your... read more »
A smile can go a long way in our life. In fact, it has often been reported that a smile is the first thing a person notices. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, then your smile could be in need of Invisalign® to align them discreetly. Invisalign works through a series of aligners that can enhance your smile. To... read more »
Your oral health needs to be reviewed every six months to keep positive oral health. Luckily, our dentist, Dr. Neelima Chiru, with Complete Dental of Atlanta in Tucker, Georgia, is always happy to review your oral health through a dental checkup, so you know if your teeth and gums are healthy and strong. The choices we make with our foods... read more »
Many people have a hard time understanding the negative consequences our food choices can have on our body. There are many foods that are both good and bad for our oral health. Learning which foods to avoid may help improve your oral health and smile tremendously. Our dentist, Dr. Neelima Chiru, with Complete Dental of Atlanta in Tucker, Georgia, wishes... read more »
Most parents are concerned with their children’s dental health. Did you know that sealants can protect teeth from decay by smoothing out natural pits and fissures in teeth? They help protect teeth from damaging plaque and acids. Early Application We recommend applying sealants soon after the permanent molars arrive. The first permanent molars generally erupt between 5 and 7 years... read more »
If you are interested in selecting the best toothbrush for your smile, then our dentist, Dr. Neelima Chiru, is more than happy to help you. As you’re browsing the oral hygiene aisle at the store, it’s important to look for certain characteristics. These characteristics can help you have a proper, effective and safe brushing routine. Those characteristics are: -Soft bristles:... read more »
If you’re interested in selecting the best floss to use to clean your smile, then our dentist, Dr. Neelima Chiru, is happy to give you the tips you need. Flossing is very important, and it’s also important to use the right product so you can properly and effectively clean your gums. So, when you’re shopping for floss at the store,... read more »